Through a combination of our high industry insight with a profitable marketing setup, we have created a strategy with Beierholm that has given results that harmonize with their growth ambitions.
Beierholm has the status as the preferred audit and advisory company for Danish SMEs. They deliver a wide variety of services in auditing, consulting as well as outsourcing, and function as a trusted consulting partner for over 60.000 customers.
They reached out to LAZZAWEB with the goal of optimizing their online visibility and increase the number of conversions.
In close collaboration with Beierholm, we went through their concept, as well as prioritization of their services and ambitions for the future. By connecting these objectives with a variety of in-depth data analyses, we formed a marketing strategy with an increased focus on utilizing the synergies between their chosen services.
By optimizing vital pages and improving the technical setup, we increased the organic traffic and conversions, as well as ensured a lower click rate, while the campaigns in their paid advertisement were streamlined and customized to the most important services with a focus on converting keywords in order to get the maximum profit from the budget.
Få profitabel vækst med os som jeres skaleringspartner. Vi ser og udnytter synergierne mellem jeres marketingkanaler.