Through a precise and targeted marketing strategy, we have maximized DIGURA’s performance, which has not only increased their conversions, but also strengthened their position as leading experts in tenant law.
DIGURA are experts in tenant law and trusted advisors, helping thousands of tenants who face challenges with their landlords. Their entire business model is based on a “no cure, no pay” principle, making it risk-free for tenants to reach out to them.
Previously, all of their marketing efforts were handled internally, but when they wanted to maximize their performance, they reached out to us to scale their activities.
To achieve our goals, we developed a marketing strategy based on an in-depth analysis of DIGURA’s previous performance and market potential in order to maximize the return on their online activities. The strategy began with the optimization of their paid advertising, focusing on tracking and targeting the conversions that created the most value.
Through continuous optimization and automation, we ensured a seamless customer journey that led to a significant increase in the number of leads. This success resulted in an expansion of the partnership with SEO, where we developed a long-term plan for their content and further optimized their online presence to strengthen their market position and ensure sustainable growth.
Få profitabel vækst med os som jeres skaleringspartner. Vi ser og udnytter synergierne mellem jeres marketingkanaler.