Through a strategic marketing effort, we have maximized Jacobsen Plus’ performance, strengthening their position as a leading player in the furniture industry and paving the way for significant growth.
Jacobsen Plus is a furniture store that has been selling furniture in both modern and classic designs since 1929.
After bringing their marketing in-house, Jacobsen Plus felt they weren’t getting enough out of their efforts. Having heard positive things about LAZZAWEB, they reached out to us to see if we could become a regular partner for their internal marketing team.
However, we were quickly given full control, as the company saw significant growth from our efforts.
To ensure significant growth and improve Jacobsen Plus’ market position during a critical period, we chose to focus our marketing strategy on their most popular products through a targeted effort that optimized the visibility and effectiveness of these items.
This approach was designed to maximize engagement and conversions, while also strengthening Jacobsen Plus’ position as a leading player in the furniture industry.
The strategy resulted in strong performance that reinforced their existing market position while also opening up new growth opportunities.
Få profitabel vækst med os som jeres skaleringspartner. Vi ser og udnytter synergierne mellem jeres marketingkanaler.