LAZZAWEB has ensured synergy across LuggageHero’s global marketing setup by streamlining their strategy and creating a more efficient and optimized customer journey across 16 markets.
LuggageHero is an international platform that offers on-demand, secure luggage storage through local shops, cafés and hotels, providing space to store bags for a few hours or days. Today, they have partnerships in over 200 of the world’s largest cities across 46 different countries.
They contacted LAZZAWEB with a desire for better efficiency, focusing on the bottom line and to find a marketing partner who could take control of their Google marketing across borders.
When the collaboration with LuggageHero began, we faced a challenge: we needed to streamline their complex setup of three accounts with over 1,800 active campaigns across 16 countries.
Based on a thorough analysis, we developed a marketing strategy focused on streamlining their campaigns and improving their digital presence. The goal was to create a more targeted and efficient approach that could maximize conversions and increase the average order value.
This effort resulted in a significant improvement in their results and ensured a more profitable marketing effort across their global markets.
Få profitabel vækst med os som jeres skaleringspartner. Vi ser og udnytter synergierne mellem jeres marketingkanaler.