By means of a tailored strategy with an emphasis on lead generation, we have optimized Spar Nord’s marketing setup by consolidating their data in order to reach their ambitious objectives.
Spar Nord has more than 200 years on their back and has through local anchoring and focus on strong relations through personal counseling achieved a position as one of Denmark’s largest banks. Today Spar Nord is elected Denmark’s best commercial bank with the most satisfied business customers among the countries’ biggest banks.
The company contacted LAZZAWEB since they wished to reduce their lead prices while also wanting to increase the number of conversions within business customers, as well as areas as housing and co-operative housing loans
In close collaboration with Spar Nord, we created a marketing strategy with a focus on their goals of lowering the CPA, while growing the number of leads at the same time.
It was essential to the strategy to separate brand searches and generic searches into separate campaigns, since this would give us better conditions to control over the click rates on Spar Nord’s brand searches with a manual bidding strategy.
This allowed us also to drive harder on the searches on more generic keywords with a conversion focused bidding strategy.
Få profitabel vækst med os som jeres skaleringspartner. Vi ser og udnytter synergierne mellem jeres marketingkanaler.