At LAZZAWEB, our technical SEO specialists have optimized hundreds of websites. We know exactly which SEO strategies drive organic growth in your industry — and more importantly what can prevent you from ranking high on Google.
You receive an in-depth, detailed assessment of your website. Our technical analysis covers over 100 automatized points, which gives us the opportunity to focus on the manual optimization, which makes the real difference.
Vi leverer ikke bare en søgeordsanalyse – vi går langt dybere med vores egenudviklede værktøjer, der scrapper SERP’en for hvert søgeord. Dette giver os en dyb forståelse af intentionen bag søgeordene, og hvordan de bedst bruges.
We don't just deliver a keyword analysis — we go even deeper with our self-invented tools that scrap the SERP for every keyword. This gives us a further understanding of the intention behind the keywords and how they are used best.
Our on-page SEO gives you a comprehensive optimization of everything from converting meta data to link structure and user experience. We use not only best practices, but draw on our extensive experience to deliver what really works — both on Google and your users.
Link building is a large part of your SEO strategy. With help from our groundbreaking framework we build strong link relations that focus on maximizing the relevance of your website. Beside external links we work strategically with internal links to make sure that link juice flows effectively and empowers your most important pages.
We have equipped all our specialists with a toolbox of 24+ self-invented tools that have been made to streamline our work and ensure quality in our services.
With our LAZZATOOLS we can deliver faster and remarkable results in half the time.
We turn your growth ambitions into reality with profitable marketing synergies.
We turn your growth ambitions into reality with profitable marketing synergies.
At LAZZAWEB, we have put marketing succes on formula - and that has resulted in groundbreaking results in over 50 countries.
Many things in life are a coincidence, but success is not of them.
Få profitabel vækst med os som jeres proaktive skaleringspartner. Vi ser og udnytter synergierne mellem jeres marketingkanaler.